Section 1will ask you to provide your charity registration number or company number, this will be used to check information about your organisation. If successful, organisations will be paid quarterly in arrears and therefore organisations need to demonstrate they are in good financial standing by showing a healthy level of reserves and recent accounts. If your organisation is unable to demonstrate this, it will not be considered eligible at this stage but you are welcome to re-apply at a later date once this has been rectified
Sections 2-4will ask you to self-declare information about the levels of insurance your organisation has, as well as the processes and procedures you have in place. Answers given in this section will not affect your eligibility to apply for funding, however if you submit a full application, this information may be given more weighting and you may be asked to supply evidence of the information you have provided.
Section 5will ask you to declare any conflict of interests. Organisations applying for Energy Redress Scheme funding must have no close links to any licensee or any other person or company that Ofgem regulates. If your organisation is unable to make this declaration, they will not be eligible to apply for funding through this scheme.